Alumshares for Companies

Raise capital while engaging your tribe.

Alumshares investors are your true fans and engaged supporters. Beyond raising capital, galvanizing early community support is helpful in building customer relationships, making key hires, and garnering broader attention. Our streamlined process and startup-friendly structure makes it easy.

01 Community gives you leverage

Our alumni community and partner network give your business tremendous leverage without increasing your costs or headcount. With the right community you can build a deeply engaged group of supporters, let them buy into your mission, and turn them into real brand ambassadors. Our community of industry experts and connections in your area are invested in your success.

02 Simple cap table

All investors through Alumshares go into a special purpose vehicle that represents one line on your cap table and act as a single investor. You only have to worry about reporting to one investor; we manage the group and the administrative burden so that you don't have to.

03 We're capital efficient

You don't have to worry about doing a lot of work for small checks. We put a lot of energy behind companies on the platform by focusing on quality over quantity. Our $250,000 minimum check size lets you stay focused on growing your business and doesn't turn fundraising into a full time job. Additionally, unlike other platforms we don't charge companies anything to raise capital, and since we're syndicating from accredited investors you won't be exposing your business to additional or costly regulatory requirements.

04 Standard deal terms

All of our deals are done with standard terms and are future financing friendly. Raise money with the confidence in knowing an abnormal deal structure won't cause you headaches down the line.

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